And ancient tree, its trunk formed of many smaller roots, glows with life.


From the roots at my feet; through the reverence in my belly; out the reach of my heart, head, and hands:

A handwritten welcome.
And ancient tree, its trunk formed of many smaller roots, glows with life.


From the roots at my feet; through the reverence in my belly; out the reach of my heart, head, and hands:

A handwritten welcome.
And ancient tree, its trunk formed of many smaller roots, glows with life.


From the roots at my feet; through the reverence in my belly; out the reach of my heart, head, and hands:

A handwritten welcome.

This is the (re)beginning of a beautiful, important, difficult process

Perhaps you’ve been contemplating therapy for a long time. Or you may be nurturing a burgeoning curiosity. You might have tread this path before, searching for — and even finding — a certain type of connection, of co‑creation, of care. You could be re‑turning, re‑membering, re‑visioning. Or you may be finally, necessarily tending to an emotional, embodied, psychopoliticospiritual wisdom — an insistent yearning for the dignity and justice of healing and holding, of compassion and inquiry, of transformative communion and change. Maybe — until now — there wasn’t time, there wasn’t space for this sort of close and care‑full noticing and listening and feeling and grace. You might be wary or defiant, resolute then ambivalent, utterly exhausted by the prospect and fiercely open — with critical but crucial hope — to all the possibility and purpose and paradoxand pain.

Wherever you are right now, whoever you are right now: I’m so very honoured to be considered as a collaborator in your beautiful, important, difficult life’s work.

“Right here in our bodies, in our defence of our right to experience joy, in the refusal to abandon the place where we have been most completely invaded and colonised, in our determination to make the bombed and defoliated lands flower again and bear fruit, here where we have been most shamed is one of the most radical and sacred places from which to transform the world.”

— Aurora Levins Morales